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first thing first... makeup setting spray itu membuat makeup agar lebih tahan lama di wajah, berbagai merk kosmetik pun menawarkan produk ini, harga setting spray memang agak pricey. so let's we try this DIY MAKEUP SETTING SPRAY BAHAN: 1 buah lidah buaya/ gel lidah buaya air mawar/air biasa botol spray kosong contoh: botol bekas parfum HOW TO... jika memakai lidah buaya asli (Bukan gel), sebaiknya daging buah dihancurkan terlebih dahulu dengan mengugakan bender atau dll. jika menggunakan gel, langsung saja masukan air mawar atau air biasa kedalam botol lalu dikocok. Setting Spray siap untuk digunakan.....

Vanilla Coffee Sugar Scrub

cr:weheartit Scrub is really helping to exofliation the skin which mean it was the best way to make your skin be great, smooth, and bright, this scrub can be use for body, face and lips. so.... this is it Ingredients: -Brown Sugar -Honey -Coffee -Vanilla Extract -Olive Oil or Coconut Oil -Baking Soda (if you want it) How to.... Mix all the ingredients into a bowl or jar then mix it all, and voila..... it's already to use, don't forget to rub it into your body, your face and lips.